Ricetta della Settimana : Riso Singapore

Dato che la cucina Cinese è risultata la preferita dal nostro sondaggio. Questa settimana : Ricetta asiatica -->

Since Chinese has come out as the most voted Food from our poll. This week : Asian Recipe --->


Ricetta della Settimana : RISO SINGAPORE

Tempo/Time: 20 Mins
Difficoltà/Difficulty: 4/10
Etichetta/Label : Asiatico/Asian
For/Per :4 Pax

  • 300g Riso parboilled/Parboilled Rice
  • 1 Cipolla grande/Big onion
  • 200g Gamberi sgusciati/peeled-off shrimps
  • Salsa di Soya/ Soy sauce
  • 1 Dado vegetale/Veg Stock
  • Acqua/Water
  • olio/oil
Attenzione! In mancanza di Riso Parboilled occorrerà bollire il riso , che se non sarà appropriato potrebbe rovinare la ricetta.

Attention!In case you lack Parboilled Rice make sure you boil rice before frying it. If the rice is not a good one will probably ruin the recipe.

Soffriggete la cipolla senza farla dorare troppo , poi aggiungete il riso parboilled e fatelo rosolare. Aggiungere 2 bicchieri d'acqua senza far bruciare il riso. Aggiungere il dado poco dopo quando l'acqua aggiunta è calda.10 minuti dopo che si è assorbita l'acqua aggiungere la salsa di soia. Assicurarsi che il riso sia cotto e allora aggiungere i gamberi sgusciati. Cuocere non piu di 3 minuti i gamberi se sono surgelati. Se i gamberi fossero freschi devono essere soffrtti con la cipolla all'inizio della cottura. Quest'ultima eventualità potrebbe allungare il tempo di cottura del piatto.

Fry the onion trying not too make it golden. Add the parboilled Rice and make it fry stirring it. Add two glasses of Water add the veg stock and let the water steam. After 10 mins if water has steamed add the soy sauce. Make sure that rice is well cooked and add the already peeled-off shrimps. Cook for not more than 3 minutes if shrimps are frozen. If they were fresh ones cook them at the beginning of the recipe with the onion at the very beginning of the cooking. This eventuality might elapse the cooking time a bit.

بوش لا يستبعد عملا عسكريا ضد القاعدة في باكستان

بوش لا يستبعد عملا عسكريا ضد القاعدة في باكستان

بوش حث مشرف وكرزاي على توحيد جهودهما في مواجهة القاعدة (الفرنسية-أرشيف)

أكد الرئيس الأميركي جورج بوش احتمال شن غارات داخل الأراضي الباكستانية في حال تمكنت أجهزة الاستخبارات من تحديد مواقع لمسؤولين كبار للقاعدة هناك.

ولم يرد بوش بشكل مباشر على سؤال بمؤتمر صحفي حول ما إذا كان سيطلب إذنا من الحكومة الباكستانية قبل شن ضربات من هذا النوع، وقال "أنا واثق بأنه في حال وجود معلومات استخباراتية جيدة سنكون قادرين على إحقاق العدل بحق مسؤولين كبار من القاعدة".

وشدد الرئيس الأميركي في مؤتمر صحفي بكامب ديفد مع نظيره الأفغاني حامد كرزاي على أن واشنطن على اتصال دائم بالمسؤولين الباكستانيين، وأنه في حال سنحت الفرصة فهو واثق بأن "العمل سينجز".

شيوخ القبائل طلبوا إزالة نقاط التفتيش من وزيرستان (رويترز-أرشيف)
اجتماع كابل
من جهة ثانية قرر زعماء قبائل بمنطقة وزيرستان الباكستانية عدم التوجه إلى العاصمة الأفغانية كابل الخميس المقبل لحضور اجتماع رئيسي يهدف لبناء الثقة، وتقليص التأييد لحركة طالبان.

واشترط زعماء القبائل مجددا سحب القوات الحكومية من نقاط التفتيش في إقليم وزيرستان الشمالي للمشاركة بالاجتماع.

من جهتها رفضت طالبان الاجتماع واصفة إياه بأنه "مضيعة للوقت والمال ولن يحقق شيئا". وقال المتحدث باسم الحركة جاب الله مجاهد إن "الولايات المتحدة لا تريد سوى التأييد الشعبي لأفعالها غير المشروعة واللا إنسانية من خلال هذا الاجتماع".

وخلال الاجتماع الذي سيستمر أربعة أيام من المقرر أن يلقي كرزاي ونظيره الباكستاني برويز مشرف كلمات أمام رجال دين وساسة وكتاب وزعماء قبائل من أراضي البشتون العرقية المتاخمة للحدود.

ويعقد الاجتماع بعد 11 شهرا تقريبا من اتفاق مشرف وكرزاي على هذا التحرك المشترك بواشنطن، في مسعى لإصلاح العلاقات المتدهورة بين الحليفين المهمين للولايات المتحدة.

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ألأخبار هم من الجزيرة

Friendship Day - Aug 5th 2007

Friendship Day 2007

Celebrate Friendship Day 2007 on August 5, Sunday
Human beings are social creatures and have always valued the importance of friends in their lives. To celebrate this noble feeling it was deemed fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship. Accordingly, first Sunday of August was declared as a holiday in US in honor of friends by a Proclamation made by US Congress in 1935. Since then, World Friendship Day is being celebrated every year on the first Sunday in the month of August.

This beautiful idea of celebrating Friendship Day was joyfully accepted by several other countries across the world. And today, many countries including India, celebrate the first Sunday of August as Friendship Day every year. Celebrating Friendship Day in a traditional manner, people meet their friends and exchange cards and flowers to honor their friends. Lot many social and cultural organization too celebrate the occasion and mark Friendship Day by hosting programs and get together.

It may be noted that some associations celebrate Friendship Day in an entirely different time of the year and with different customs. For instance,
  • National Friendship Day is on the first Sunday in August.
  • Women's Friendship Day is on the third Sunday in August
  • International Friendship Month is February
  • Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of May

However, what is remarkably same is the idea behind the celebration of the day. Everywhere, people express love for their friends and cherish their presence in life.

Tribute to a Friend:
Friendship Day is celebrated in honor of friends who make our lives so special and help us give a meaningful direction to our lives. On Friendship Day people must pay sincerest tribute to friends, both old and new, and appreciate the important role played by them in shaping their lives.

Significance of Friends
True friendship is about putting your feet up and knowing that someone is there to bail you out when the world might walk out on you. Besides, as a support system in today's hectic world, friends are the most reliable sources for social, intellectual and creative stimulations.

In the present fast pace age of nuclear families where people have little time to spend with each other, friends have become indispensable. Then there are times when we find it tough to discuss matters with our family members or even with our spouse, it is on occasions such as these that friends come to our support. They guide us and become our pillar of strength when we need them most. And the best part is we don't really need to put things in words when communicating issues to our best friends. Most often friends understand us, just by looking at us or hearing our voice. This heart-to-heart bonding is what makes friendship so exclusive, setting it apart from all other relationships.

Significance of Friendship Day
At times we get so busy in our daily lives that we start taking our friends for granted. It is the annual celebration of Friendship Day that reminds us that we must cherish the presence of friends in our lives and acknowledge with love the important role they play in our lives. One must therefore celebrate friendship on Friendship Day to the fullest and let their friendship soar to newer heights.

History of Friendship Day in US
Considering the valuable role friends play in our life it was deemed to fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship. The United States Congress, in 1935, proclaimed first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day. Since then, celebration of National Friendship Day became an annual event. The noble idea of honoring the beautiful relationship of friendship caught on with the people and soon Friendship Day became a hugely popular festival.

Following the popularity and success of Friendship Day in US, several other countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends. Today, Friendship Day is enthusiastically celebrated by several countries across the world including India.

In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie - the Pooh as the world's Ambassador of Friendship.

source: www.friendshipday.org


Stagione 2007/08 17 – 30 Ottobre 2007 Ogni stagione, la rete FARE coordina molte azioni contro il razzismo in e fuori dai campi di calcio in tutta Europa. In queste azioni i tifosi, le minoranze etniche e le associazioni si uniscono nella lotta alla discriminazione dimostrando chiaramente quanto sia forte la loro voce.

Dal sito ufficiale del F.A.R.E. --> Vogliamo vedere giocare questo ‘gioco meraviglioso’ senza che la piaga del razzismo possa rovinarlo. Il calcio è il gioco più popolare del mondo ed appartiene a tutti noi. Ad ogni persona dovrebbe essere garantito il diritto di giocare, essere spettatore o discutere del gioco liberamente e senza alcun timore.Purtroppo, a tutti i livelli di gioco, da quello amatoriale a quello professionista, si continuano a verificare incidenti collegati al razzismo. Sia che si tratti di azioni commesse da tifosi, giocatori, clubs o altre organizzazioni calcistiche, FARE ritiene che questo tipo di condotta, dentro e fuori dal campo di gioco, sia assolutamente inaccettabile e indesiderato dalla maggior parte dei tifosi e dei giocatori.L’obiettivo di FARE è cancellare il razzismo dal gioco del calcio, grazie all’azione congiunta di organizzazioni calcistiche contro il razzismo in tutta Europa. FARE dà il suo sostegno alla creazione e all’organizzazione di gruppi e coordina gli sforzi effettuati a livello europeo. Agendo insieme, FARE aiuta le organizzazioni a condividere i valori del comportamento corretto e a formare un fronte unito contro il razzismo nel mondo del calcio.

Season 2007/08 17 – 30 October 2007 Every season, the FARE Network coordinates action against racism in and around football stadiums across Europe. In a massive show of strength, fans, ethnic minority groups and football clubs all stand united against discrimination.

from F.A.R.E. official site -- > We want to see the 'beautiful game' played without the cancer of racism. Football is the biggest sport in the world and belongs to us all. It should be the right of every person to play, watch and discuss freely, without fear. Unfortunately, at all levels of the game, from amateur to international, there are incidents of racism. Be it from fans, players, clubs or other football bodies, FARE believes that such behaviour, on and off the field, is unacceptable and unwanted by the majority of fans and players. FARE aims to rid the game of racism by combining the resources of anti-racist football organisation throughout Europe. It helps to support and nurture groups and coordinates efforts on an European scale. By working together, FARE helps organisations share good practice and present a united front against racism in football.

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